Wednesday, September 5, 2007


My heart aches for the brokenness in my heart doesn't understand why anyone would choose to be out of relationship with our God given companions. Honestly it is a deep pain that causes much inner discord within my soul... Family is everywhere in scripture, in fact it is considered the highest of all created institutions, we are told as believers strangers are made family members and that when we choose Christ we are now HIS family. If in fact family is menial and not to be highly honored and revered, sacred even, then why does the Bible speak of it from Genesis to Revelation...

Sometimes I am angry...but mostly I am hurt. Why don't those that I love so desperately love me in return?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

because of The Fall. Human sin and weakness. A blinding of temporal values. Selfishness.

Many reasons.

Let your heart be at Peace with HE who is Eternal Father and Brother. He will always love you...